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About Us

More Information About Us.

The Africa Integration Think Tank (AFITT) is a Ugandan based organization committed to fostering Africa’s economic transformation through a citizen centered integration agenda. Founded by John Bosco Kalisa, a trade economist; Byabagabo Francis, a businessman in trade and transport development; and Muramira Gashegu, a reputable journalist and CEO, AFITT serves as a vital platform for policy research, knowledge sharing, and collaboration across various sectors.


To promote Africa’s economic transformation and development by championing a citizen-centered integration agenda.


To be the leading think tank in Africa driving sustainable economic integration and enhancing the prosperity of African citizens through research, partnerships, and advocacy.

Five Year Strategic Objectives

Establish AITT as a Premier Research Hub

Year 1-2:

Develop a comprehensive research agenda focused on trade and investment, transport and logistics, and regional value chains.
Host quarterly workshops and seminars to disseminate findings and gather insights from stakeholders.

Year 3-5:

Publish an annual report on integration challenges and opportunities in Africa.
Develop partnerships with universities and research institutions to promote joint studies.

Strengthen Partnerships with Key Institutions

Year 1:

Identify and engage with key stakeholders, including Regional Economic Communities (RECs), academic institutions, and the private sector.

Year 2-5:

Establish formal partnerships through MOUs, focusing on collaborative research, training, and capacity-building initiatives.
Organize bi-annual forums to share best practices and foster dialogue on regional integration issues.

Enhance Communication and Visibility

Year 1-2:

Develop a comprehensive communication strategy to increase awareness of AITT’s mission and programs.

Launch a dedicated website and social media campaigns to engage a wider audience.

Year 3-5:

Produce a quarterly newsletter featuring research updates, partner activities, and success stories.

Host an annual conference on African integration, inviting key stakeholders and thought leaders.

Build Capacity in Key Areas of Focus

Year 1-2:

Develop and implement training programs on trade facilitation, negotiation skills, access to finance for SMEs, and digital skills.

Year 3-5:

Create a talent management pipeline focused on blue and green economies, agro-processing, and light manufacturing.

Establish mentorship programs connecting emerging leaders in trade and development with experienced professionals.

Promote Networking and Collaboration Opportunities

Year 1:

Set up a platform for SMEs and entrepreneurs to connect, share ideas, and explore partnership opportunities.

Year 2-5:

Organize annual networking events focusing on circular economy initiatives and regional value chain development.

Facilitate trade missions and exchanges among member countries to bolster intra-African trade.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Research Output: Number of publications, reports, and policy briefs produced annually.

Partnership Development: Number of partnerships established and collaborative projects initiated.

Engagement Metrics: Website traffic, social media engagement, and newsletter subscriptions.

Capacity Building: Number of training programs conducted and participants trained.

Networking Success: Number of events held, participants, and subsequent collaborations formed.